Monday, December 12, 2011

What damaging legislation will outgoing members of a losing party pass?

What damaging legislation will outgoing members of a losing party pass in lame duck session of US congress?|||'Amnesty for illegals

Let the tax cuts expire

Exonerate Rangel and Waters

Dismiss ethics charges against Burris

All the things they postponed until after the elections, to avoid accountability. Now they can do what they want, with no consequences for their actions.|||There are no plans for any major legislation until the new Congress is sworn in, of course we have the annual "Omnibus Reconciliation Bill" to look forward to with it's usual assortment of bacon flavored riders, but no major changes.

Sorry to spoil your little conspiracy theory, but the Democratic leadership is aware that they did not do well in the election, and are not going to anger the voters further with last minute stupidity.|||Dunno...

I also don't think that anything will get done in the next 2 years. The Retardicans have also voted in some TPers who obviously don't know how to compromise, so it's almost like having 3 parties in there.

BTW, look at the short history of America. Since when has anything remained static? Losing party? The Dem's still have the majority in the Senate and I'm fairly certain Obama will be reelected in 2012. The trend for the president losing favor after the 1st 2 years is nothing new.

But if you want to get all excited and keep disillusioning yourself, be my guest.

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