Thursday, December 15, 2011

The structure of the corporation is formed by law and affected by legislation. Please explain.?

I am having a little trouble understanding this statement. I know that law is the slow process of evolution in dispute resolution whereas legislation are rules created by a governing body. Legislation governs the way a corporation operates and penalizes it for any violations. But I do not understand how law has formed the corporate structure. Any advice would help me alot. Thanks.|||Corporations are entities created by corporate law, which is a form of law that determines how "shareholders, directors, employees, creditors, and other stakeholders such as consumers, the community and the environment interact with one another under the internal rules of the firm" (source: Wikipedia). Legislation is the act of creating laws (legislation is presented before a governing body, usually as a bill, and becomes law if it's enacted). So I guess the way I'd think of it is that new laws that are created build upon (or break down...but affect in any case) the corporate structure that had already been formed by corporate law. I hope this helps you.

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