Thursday, December 15, 2011

So is Obama's lie/pledge to get rid of earmarks in legislation that he signs a sign of more lies to come?

Obama just signed another pork heavy piece of legislation into law. Guess he's just getting use to Washington as usual. He also hasn't seem to have done much about the lobbyists. And not only are US troops still in Iraq they'll be staying there for at least another 2 years. I guess saying whatever has to said to get elected is still the most important thing to typical politicians. I just hoped Obama wasn't one of them. Wishful thinking I guess.|||Either that or he is afraid of Pelosi. I suspect it might be a little of both|||Yes, we have to vote out the traitors in our GOP who took the earmark porkulus. Rush is telling us to stand on PRINCIPLE, but on the political playing field they are playing with OBAMA, and not letting Rush into the game! Our own reps took 40% of the porkulus money!|||I like how he blamed "the opposition" for speaking out, claimed we needed earmark reform and then signed the damn thing...

If that doesn't piss people off, this guy will get away with murder.

It's like a crack-head who says he'll quit smoking crack -- TOMORROW.|||"... lie/pledge to get rid of earmarks in legislation..."

He made no such pledge.

Perhaps you are thinking of McCain? He lost.

You also seem to be confusing the idea of earmarks with pork.|||Apparently he "was not able" to fulfill his promise on this legislation but of course promises to do so in the future. I mean after all, he is quite tired.|||he has been proven to be one of the best liars in the political spectrum.|||See what happens when you believe what a politician is saying.

But it does not matter the liberal Obama voters will go to their grave defending Obama, and spinning all his lies.|||He never has to stand behind anything he has promised. His minions keep letting him get away with it all....but even sadder is the fact that they have been pre-programmed to say he does it because it's Bush's fault. How is that I wonder? He lies every time he opens his mouth.|||yes, a lot more lies to come.. they're a constant stream from him and the Dems|||He promised 16 months, it will be 19 months. Wow. The republican pork has been written by congress, who's members are no longer there or dead. He has to approve it it or veto it. Which do you think would be better ja?|||He let the past two go because they are linked to Bush. Let's see what he does with the new ones coming up. But I think he is also listening to the outrage of the people, and may do some hard talking to Pelosi and Reid.|||He has lied more than any candidate that I can remember.|||Some here on this site, tried to tell every one, that all he wants is your vote, he WON and your out. He doesn't give a damn about u or what you think. And now he can do what ever he wants.|||Who cares? He has already proved several times that his word can't be trusted.|||...and he's sending more troops to Afghanistan, and he's backed off of his promises for a single payer national health care system, and he hasn't appointed special prosecutors to go after the treasonous Bush administration or the super rich Wall st. fascists who have been economically raping 99.9% of the world's population for the past 30 years. But I'm not worried. The global economy and old fascist world order are coming to an end. It won't require a bloody popular revolt. The whole system is unsustainable and falling under it's own weight. Fortunately, the poorest don't have much left to lose. Change is coming with President Obama's help or without it.|||Obama said he would look at every line in the budget, but that was misleading. He can look all day, but the president doesn’t have a line-item veto, so he can’t do anything about something he doesn’t like. We’re stuck, and the real problem is his own spending proposals. He has no ability to control earmarks, other than by vetoing entire spending bills.

Obama is now catching a lot of flak from Blue Dog Democrats, and even some traditional Democrats, along with a lot of Republicans. He doesn’t seem to know what he’s doing, other than throwing money at problems he hasn’t even clearly defined yet. As my favorite business school professor said years ago, “You can’t solve a problem if you don’t know what the problem is.” Obama doesn’t seem to have a clue.

We have “lent” $180 billion to insurance giant AIG. Is that really a “loan” or is it a grant? There is no way in hell AIG can ever repay that “loan.” Sure, we hold several million shares of AIG’s near-worthless stock, but that’s not going to help us out. We have made many multi-billion dollar “loans” to “troubled” banks, but we don’t have any idea how serious those troubles are. We don’t even know what the money was used for. Where did it go? What we do know is it has not been used to make loans to businesses and consumers.

Even Warren Buffett, a big Obama supporter, has become critical of Obama, suggesting that the president has been jumping from issue to issue and is confusing people. As Bill Clinton famously said, “It’s the economy, stupid!” Who really gives a damn about education, health care, or any other issue while we are losing our jobs, our homes, our retirement savings, and everything else?

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