Saturday, December 17, 2011

Has Mitt Romney disassociated himself from his religious elders when it comes to legislation?

JF Kennedy said he was not under authority of the Pope when it came to legislation. Mitt Romney is a Mormon and presumably his religious elders may have some sway over what he can do and this may be the cause of some concern for non Mormon voters. has he made any statements similar to JFK's statements to put the electorate at ease?|||Only an eduated Mormon can really help you with a good answer. Kennedy was a devout Catholic, and he was fully aware of the Church's reluctance to engage in political banter. You may have heard that Catholic Church intertwinement with secular rulership and then politics pretty much led nowhere but problem city. The Church isn't engaged as an officialy political player. I'm not sure about Mormons. All of the Protestant faiths and their spawn came about specifically to reblend politics and religion in a way that Constantine the Great tried in the 4th Century. Constantine's actions are what led St. Ambrose to develop the original doctrines of separation of church and state being imperitive. That fortunately made it in the US Constitution, and Mit Romeny is a brilliant political leader. I don't doubt his faith for one second either, though I certainly understand the basis of his faith.Mormons are a pitifully small voting block. Catholics are an immensely diverse voting block. Religion, despite what many religious would like, will not be a factor in the election. America is far too secular in its population to let faith get in the way of politics.|||Has he made statements? He's been TRYING to make statements, but no one wants to listen. They want to listen to their own bigoted prejudices instead. More fun that way.

NO Mormon is under the authority of anyone else, especially when making decisions regarding their job. Well, except for things like honesty, virtue, etc. As Joseph Smith said, we are taught correct principles, and then we are allowed to live as we see fit.

Mormons believe that the Constitution of the US is a divinely inspired document.|||December 6, 2007

"Almost 50 years ago another candidate from Massachusetts explained that he was an American running for president, not a Catholic running for president. Like him, I am an American running for president. I do not define my candidacy by my religion. A person should not be elected because of his faith nor should he be rejected because of his faith.

"Let me assure you that no authorities of my church, or of any other church for that matter, will ever exert influence on presidential decisions. Their authority is theirs, within the province of church affairs, and it ends where the affairs of the nation begin.|||presumed by Mitt Romney, as a politician, is not taking orders from anyone except his constituents. Mitt Romney is probably the best candidate because he's shown his religious life doesn't interfere with his job. Just look at the legislation he's done in his state.|||No. He is free to make his own decisions, but his choices are influenced by his faith and upbringing, just like everyone else.|||I'm Agnostic and Mormons are among my favorite people. They don't try to force their thing on anyone. Romney would never legislate his Religion on others, that's against his Religion.|||Has obama disassociated himself from the Imams?|||He's a mormon|||I don't think you know enough about Mormon's .|||They ride around in thick wool black suits on bicycles in 100 degree weather.. What does that say about their commitment to mormonism, and their judgement?

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